Tuesday, February 23, 2010

きょうの レッスン は?

今日のレッスン Today's lesson

 no ニュースnyuusu ni よるyoru to , 18  sai からkara 54  sai no 男性dansei no hi 雇用koyou sha wa なんとnanto 20  %  o 占めshime te いるiru そうsou ですdesu . これkore ha とてもtotemo 恐ろしいosoroshii 数字suuji ですdesu ne . 

According to  today's news what said there are 20% male were unemployed between age 18~54. It's a terrible number!

Today we will learn how to say『 need a job 』in Japanese.

①わたし  は しごと   が ほしいです。I want a job.
 watashi wa shigoto ga hoshiidesu.

☆ ほしい  is an adjective, so use ~~~desu.  sentence   ×~~~masu.

②わたし は   りれきしょ かきます。I am going to write a resume.
 watashi wa rirekisho     o  kakimashita.

③わたしりれきしょを だします。I am going to send a resume.
 watashi wa rirekisho o dashimasu.

☆also, you can say:
①+② わたしは りれきしょをかいて、だします。
                I am going to write a resume then send it.

かいて:  かく(dictionary form)→かきます(masu form)→かいて(te form)

④こようぬしが    わたしのりれきしょみます。The employer is going to look at my resume.
 koyounushi ga  watashi no rirekisho  o  mimasu.

⑤わたしきんようびめんせつ    を うけました。I had a job interview on Friday.
 watashi wa kinyoubi ni mennsestu o ukemashita.

⑥しゃちょうわたし に   でんわ  を   くれました。The (company )president made a phone call to me.
  shachou wa watashi ni  dennwa o kuremashita.

⑦さいようきまりました!I got the job!
  saiyou ga kimarimashita!

Notice:take a look at  the particles above and how to use them.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

変な日本人?It's strange? Japanese ②          履歴書 りれきしょ rirekisho


日本nippon de wa , 履歴rireki sho o 出すdasu ときtoki ni , 写真shashin o 貼らhara ないnai to いけike ないnai no o ご存知gozonji ですdesu ka . もちろんmochiron , jitsu 年齢nenrei ya 国籍kokuseki などnado mo 記載kisai shi ないnai to 雇用koyou nushi ni 受付uketsuke shi te もらえmorae ないnai no ですdesu . アメリカamerika de ha , 履歴rireki sho ni 写真shashin o 貼らhara ないnai no ga 普通futsuu no ようyou de , またmata 雇用koyou nushi ga 履歴rireki sho ni 写真shashin o 貼るharu ようyou ni 依頼irai shi たらtara , それsore ha 非常識hijoushiki de , 完全kanzen ni 違法ihou na のでnode できdeki ないnai そうsou ですdesu ne .

For Japan, do you know how to put the picture on your resume, which is needed. Also, you have to write your nationality and your age. Other wise, the empolyer will never take a look at your resume. In the US, you do not put a picture on the resume, if an employer asked you to put a photograph or age on a resume, they would be completely out of line and would likely face legal consequences.